Thursday, November 13, 2008

Weight Watchers

Ok, I've started it. On Monday, I started Weight Watchers. My mom had great success on it, she started in January 08 and by April or May (not sure which month exactly) she had lost 20 pounds! And she didn't have to eat any kind of yucky foods or anything..she just had to watch her portions and do some LIGHT exercise (walking mainly). Well, Mom kind of got off her program a couple of months ago and gained a couple of pounds. She decided to start back at it. I decided to join her. I really would like to trim down a bit. I am 5'4 and weigh roughly 138-140 lbs. When I graduated high school in 2005, I weighed in at 109 lbs, so this weight I am now makes me feel like a big fatty. I just want to lose about 10 pounds and would LOVE to by the end of this year! My ideal weight is 120 lbs. so I'm hoping to get there by February 2009.

So, anywho--I started Monday. I had a bad experience because I was so gung-ho that I didn't pack enough to eat for that day. I felt so sick by dinner time that I could hardly eat my dinner. So basically I got a fresh start Tuesday. Now, for those of you not familiar with is based on a points system and I get 21 points for the day. So, I have to be careful about snacking and how much I eat of something. Monday and Tuesday I just about starved but yesterday, I really got the hang of it. I had a WW snack bar for breakfast and a Diet Mountain Dew, then a SmartOne meal for lunch (spaghetti..yum!) and some cantaloupe. I had a light snack @ work then grilled chicken, green beans and broccoli for dinner. I had a WW piece of candy later that night. I felt full all day Wednesday and still stayed within my points! I've done well so far today, too. Let's see how I do this weekend in Pigeon Forge!

1 comment:

DonnaK said...

Hey girl! Thanks for the comment on my blog and thanks for the prayers! This is an awful feeling (the whole morning sickness thing!). I had it bad with both of the girls, but not the whole time!! I hope this doesn't last too much longer! I really do feel totally useless around my house! It is all I can do to get the girls fed, much less do any kind of cleaning!! I will let you know how tomorrow goes!