Saturday, September 13, 2008


So, this morning Dennis went outside to get in the truck with my Dad (he was there to pick him up) and my Dad asked if the Jeep gas tank thing was open the night before. Dennis then saw the gas cap laying on the ground next to the tire. Someone stole gas out of our Jeep right from our yard! We guessed it must have been while we were sleeping. That gives me the chills :( It makes me scared to know that someone was so close to our bedroom window and back door and we never heard a thing!
They also stole the little bit of gas that we had in the gas can outside. It makes me feel so unsafe. Which I'm sure it was probably an isolated event, but still--I just feel like I was robbed of the security of being in my own home. Dennis had told me that he thought this kind of stuff would start happening with gas going so high and then so many stations being out of it around here. It's sad that people can stoop so low. What really makes my heart hurt I guess is the fact that we are struggling (Dennis pretty much is looking for a job right now because of a slow down in the painting business). We are struggling just to get by and then someone comes and steals our gas?? Dennis had just put $60 in on Thursday night and then it was stolen Friday! :(
Be careful everyone-we are investing in one of those gas caps that lock! Just be aware and keep an eye out..this is what the world has come to!


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh... this is a scary thing to think about! People these days can be so thoughtless and crazy!!

Kara said...

Yeah i'm going to get one of those locking gas caps today before work. Gas was $3.62 thursday night, $3.75 friday morning, $3.99 friday night and now it's over $4 some places here. and that's at the places that aren't out. I filled up Friday night because I was afraid of what it would be up to Saturday morning... Just keep safe Banana!!! And kiss Gavin for me!